U.S. and Canadian Trademark Service
Protect your US trademark! Do not underestimate the importance of protecting carefully your intellectual property (e.g. business name, product name, slogan, etc.). CorpoMax is offering you a professional service of trademark registration in the United States and Canada.
U.S. and Canada Trademark Service
- Trademark availability research in the U.S. and Canadian Trademark databases
- Written report about the research results
- Preparation and filing of trademark registration applications
- Payment of government filing fees (fees in extra, per class)
- Correspondence with the U.S. and Canadian Trademark Offices
- Correspondence with the client during the registration process
U.S. Trademark Service
- Trademark availability research in the U.S. Trademark database
- Written report about the research results
- Preparation and filing of trademark registration application
- Payment of government filing fees (fees in extra, per class)
- Correspondence with the U.S. Trademark Office
- Correspondence with the client during the registration process
Upon receipt of your order form, a CorpoMax representative will contact you without delay to provide you information and to explain to you the details of this service.