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What They Say about CorpoMax

"... I just wanted to thank you... and I'll be sure to recommend you if I come across anyone who wants to incorporate a business in the U.S."

— N.L., France

CorpoMax Videos


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

FAQ about CorpoMax

  1. How can I order a CorpoMax service?

    At the top right of each page of the Web site, you must click on the Order Now green button.

  2. Is the CorpoMax service ordering process secure?

    Yes. All the transactions are processed in a secure environment.

  3. What is the privacy policy regarding information I send to Corpomax?

    Your personal information remains totally confidential.

  4. Can CorpoMax provide me with advice?

    CorpoMax is only a corporate service company. Therefore it cannot provide any legal, accounting, financial or tax advice or service.

  5. What payment method may I use to pay CorpoMax services?

    CorpoMax offers several ways to pay:

    Bank Transfer CorpoMax bank information provided upon receipt of your order.

    Credit Card Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover. Payment link provided upon receipt of your order.

    PayPal Payment link provided upon receipt of your order. CorpoMax is a PayPal Verified Member.

    Western Union Instructions provided upon receipt of your order.

  6. How are CorpoMax products shipped (e.g. corporate ledger)?

    CorpoMax products are shipped via FedEx.

  7. How do I get more information?

    Please contact CorpoMax without delay, by phone, Skype or email.

  8. When should I expect a reply from CorpoMax, to my e-mail?

    You will receive a personalized answer very quickly.

  9. What does CorpoMax do with the comments and suggestions it receives?

    CorpoMax publishes testimonials on the Client Testimonials page. These testimonials have not been solicited by CorpoMax and have been received in writing.

    Regarding comments and suggestions, CorpoMax examines them very seriously.